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// 2014年12月16日16:34 来源:清华大学


  University Lecture of New Humanities on World Literatures and Cultural Studies

  演讲题目: Address, Attention, Archive, Administration         



  演讲人:蒙特利尔大学法语比较文学系教授      Eric Mechoulan

  主持人:清华大学外文系教授 陈永国

  演讲人简介:Prof. Eric Mechoulan is full professor of French and Comparative Literature, University of Montreal; director of the Research Center on Emerging Technologies; was previously Program Director at the International College of Philosophy (Paris) and Director of the Research Center on Intermediality (Montreal). Visiting Professor at Harvard, Indiana University, Paris 3, Paris 8, ENS Ulm and Lyon, Port-au-Prince, Oran. He founded the journal Intermediality and coedits since 1996 the US journal SubStance. He published around 150 papers and 7 books on literature, philosophy, economics, and culture.

  特别提示:经学校研究决定,自2008-2009学年秋季学期起设立《文化素质教育讲座》课程,并列入全校本科培养方案。从系列之(七)第二讲 起,《清华大学新人文讲座》按照《文化素质教育讲座》课程要求举办。请全体本科生(特别是大一新生)务必于讲座开始前携带学生IC卡刷卡入场选听。自 2014-2015学年秋季学期起,《文化素质教育讲座》将尝试依托选课系统采用二级选课的形式(课程号为00690651),在二级选课系统选修该场讲 座场次成功的同学优先刷卡入场,请于当日14:50以前入场。



留言板 电话:010-65389115 关闭

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